Financial Information
We are required to publish on our school's website whether any member of staff receives a salary of £100,000 or more, as well as the £10,000 salary increments above this amount.
Number of staff with gross annual salary of £100,000 or more: 0
Schools Benchmarking Tool
The Schools Financial Benchmarking Tool helps schools compare their finances with similar schools and make comparisons between income, balances and workforce structures.
Why benchmark?
Benchmarking helps schools to:
- Make better-informed decisions and triggers further discussion
- Facilitate peer learning and exchange of ideas between schools and academies
- Compare spending with other similar schools or academy trusts
- Consider how to use resources to support high-quality teaching and education outcomes for pupils
- Consider whether resource allocations are working or whether outcomes could be improved by doing things differently
Click here for our information page on the schools financial benchmarking service.