
Regular attendance at school and good punctuality are essential to good progress and achieving your potential in examinations. In addition, parents/carers are under a legal duty to send their son/daughter to school. Should you fail in this duty you risk receiving penalty notices, fines and possibly prosecution. These penalties are managed by the Education Welfare Service.

Please phone to report absence and explain the reason on the first day and keep in touch daily if it is a prolonged absence. Any unauthorised absences will be followed up. Continued or frequent absence or poor punctuality will be notified to the Education Welfare Service.

Any absence known about in advance, due to medical appointments etc, should be notified before the event. As far as is possible, all such appointments should be made at the end of the school day, to avoid unnecessary absence from lessons, which may hinder a student’s progress.


Should a student suffer from a specific medical condition this should be reported at the initial interview and the information recorded. If the condition requires medication to be taken during the course of the day then written authority and full prescription details must be provided. Non-prescribed medication such as paracetamol, aspirin etc. will not be given to students unless it is provided by parent/carer(s) with written instructions. If your child suffers regularly from headaches, period pains, hay fever etc. we would recommend a review by your G.P but in the meantime providing us with medication may prevent the need for your child to miss school unnecessarily on a regular basis.

All medication will be kept secure and a first-aid qualified staff member will monitor the student’s taking of a prescribed dosage. This does not apply to those students who may suffer from Asthma and carry Ventolin pumps. These may be kept by the individual students and used at their own discretion.