As part of induction, new students initially attend for baseline assessment in key areas. This is both diagnostic – indicating where additional support may be required – and also gives us a starting point against which to measure achievement. As well as individual teacher assessment, baseline testing is repeated termly to ensure an up-to-date picture of student progress.
Please Note
Where any subject award is achieved through coursework, we abide by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) rules on plagiarism, i.e. passing someone’s work off as your own. In summary, these are:
Candidates must not:
- Submit work which is not their own;
- Lend work to other candidates or allow their work to be copied;
- Allow other candidates access to, or the use of, their own independently sourced material or assist others in the production of coursework; (this does not mean that candidates may not lend their books to one another, but candidates must not plagiarise others’ research);
- Use any books, the internet or other sources without acknowledgement or attribution;
- Submit work word-processed by a third person without acknowledgement.
These actions constitute malpractice, for which a penalty (e.g. disqualification from the assessment) will be applied.